Jensen, Jody Patricia (2008) Globalizing governance in a multi-stakeholder world: The global prince, merchant and citizen = Globalizálódó kormányzás a sokrésztvevős világban: a globális Herceg, Kalmár és Polgár. Doktori (PhD) értekezés, Corvinus University of Budapest, Nemzetközi Kapcsolatok Doktori Iskola.
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Kivonat, rövid leírás
Globalization has become a theory about how everything works that can be universally applied. The debates about globalization are debates about democracy and social justice. The arguments need to be analyzed to turn confrontation into constructive engagement. Contemporary globalization is a profound contextual change that requires the redefinition of terms like states, markets and civil societies. New, hybrid forms are emerging, combining, and creating systems of governance without government that are an important feature of contemporary globalization and play a significant if not vital role in the evolving structures of global governance. The theoretical background begins with the recognition that we are entering a new epoch of globalization and that at this moment of transition, individual and collective action become more meaningful and more open to human intervention and creativity. The metaphor of The Prince, the Merchant and the Citizen (MARC NERFIN) provides the analytical basis for the study of states, markets and societies. It is is extended to include the powerful agents of global media today, in analysis of their role, impact and potential for contributing to more inclusive global governance structures. A new repositioning of Global Princes, Merchants and Citizens in the governance of globalization processes needs to be elaborated. The locally and globally self-organizing Citizen vis-a-vís the states and intergovernmental mechanisms of the Prince and the turbo-markets of the Merchant, is part of the methodological basis of this dissertation. Globalization is viewed here as hybridization that can be observed in the state, market, citizen and media hybrids that have evolved in response to the democratic challenges of globalization are the subjects of this dissertation. Transformation of the Nation State. We are witnessing the constitution of a hybrid state with hybrid competencies and scope, i.e., the formation of a type of authority and state practice that entails the partial denationalizing of what has traditionally constituted the nation. This is a hybrid that is neither fully private nor fully public, neither fully national nor fully global. The global is partly constituted inside and embedded in the national. Governing Global Markets. The transformations that set the stage for new multi-stakeholder initiatives and co-regulation include transformation of the discursive field, restructuring of the political environment and the correlation of social forces and the growing criticism against corporate self-regulation. These innovations and initiatives constitute an important field of economic hybridization in the discourse of corporate social responsibility, in the redefinition of profit, and in business regulation. This expands the potential participation of new actors in regulating and directing global business. (...)
Tétel típusa: | Disszertáció (Doktori (PhD) értekezés) |
Témavezető: | Andras Blahó |
Kulcsszavak: | global markets, globalization, global civil society, transformation of nation state, globalizáció, globális piacok, civil társadalom |
Tárgy: | Nemzetközi gazdaság Nemzetközi kapcsolatok |
Azonosító kód: | 297 |
Védés dátuma: | 2008 |
Elhelyezés dátuma: | 09 May 2008 |
Last Modified: | 28 Sep 2013 14:38 |
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