Souza, Cibele Silva e (2024) Mapping corruption in Brazil: An analysis of the news portals and tweets (X). Doktori (PhD) értekezés, Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, Szociológia és Kommunikációtudomány Doktori Iskola. DOI
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Brazilian media have played a crucial role in exposing corruption, especially amid the pandemic crisis. Considering that, during Covid-19, the media became the main source of information for many Brazilians, with Twitter becoming a very dynamic platform for expressing opinions and discussing corruption. In this scenario, media convergence shaped social discourse, affecting collective perceptions and the level of public trust, with the continuous flow of information about corruption fueling anxiety insecurity and undermining faith in institutions. With this in mind, this case study utilizes Content Analysis and Computer-Assisted Content Analysis methodologies to examine the representation of corruption in articles from news portals and public tweets by Brazilians. The work aim to analyze how corruption was represented through these two forms of communication during the Covid-19 pandemic. By specifically considering the interactions between the media, we aim to explore the differences, similarities, and recurrences in the narratives about corruption between traditional media and the social platform Twitter. From that, this analysis seeks to understand how these representations are portrayed in relation to locations, editorial areas, politicians, political parties, scandals/operations, and investigations, as well as how these categories interact with the phenomena through recurring subcategories. • The analysis reveals distinct trends and contrasts in corruption narratives across media outlets, news articles, and tweets, highlighting differences in focus and depth of discussion. On news portals, corruption is often portrayed through a legal and procedural lens, with an emphasis on the developments of investigations and the judicial punishments in corruption cases. On the other hand, tweets discuss corruption more broadly, focusing on specific political figures and scandals, and reflecting the frustration of Brazilians with the recurrence of scandals. • The discourse on corruption encompasses terms such as clientelism, collusion, money laundering, nepotism, embezzlement, and bribery, with the term "corruption" being widely mentioned on Twitter and news portals. While news portals focus on traditional aspects of corruption, covering various forms of corrupt behavior, the common point across both platforms is the corrupt act itself. • Both platforms show a tendency to place significant emphasis on corruption within Brazil, with less coverage of international cases. Regarding Brazilian states, the corruption narrative is particularly prominent in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, reflecting the historical and socioeconomic importance of these regions. • In relation to corruption scandals, the trend of Operation ‘Lava Jato’ is a recurring example of a corruption scandal in Brazil that emerges in news articles, in contrast to tweets that focus on the ‘Covid-19 CPI’. Political figures such as Lula and Bolsonaro are highlighted in these discussions, showing how these scandals affect public trust in political leaders. Furthermore, corruption is seen as a systemic problem that affects multiple political parties, with the PT and MDB frequently mentioned. This reflects the complex relationship between politics and corruption in the country, highlighting the need to recognize corruption as a comprehensive issue that transcends individual parties. • Despite differences in approach, both news portals and Twitter demonstrate interactivity and mutual influence in the construction of narratives about corruption. However, both media tend to avoid discussions about public policies as a way to combat corruption, highlighting the need for greater focus on future preventive and educational actions. It is possible to conclude that corruption is deeply rooted in social construction and media interaction in Brazil. Thus, as differences in the representation of corruption reflect differences in the functions and missions of news portals and Twitter, regardless of platform, they contribute to shaping public perception and discourse regarding corruption. Therefore, this study opens a possible discussion about the need for more similar approaches to social phenomena to improve the understanding of Brazilian social dynamics and highlights the need for more effective government and political actions to combat corruption.
Tétel típusa: | Disszertáció (Doktori (PhD) értekezés) |
Témavezető: | Vicsek Lilla Mária, Szántó Zoltán |
Tárgy: | Média és kommunikáció Szociológia |
Azonosító kód: | 1382 |
Védés dátuma: | 15 november 2024 |
DOI: | |
Elhelyezés dátuma: | 22 Jul 2024 10:43 |
Last Modified: | 19 Dec 2024 08:17 |
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